Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Games up north

G'day all.

This past weekend Katy and I both had a road trip up to Brisbane. The boys team flew up to Canberra on Friday for our game against them on Friday night. Canberra is about a one hour flight north east of Melbourne. It is the capital territory of Australia. Then on Saturday we flew up to Brisbane, which is another 1 hour and 20 minute flight North of Canberra, up in Queensland.
For the girls team this weekend their game wasn't the greatest. Brisbane got out to a 9-0 lead and never really looked back. The other team shot 63% from the field and a little over 50% from the 3-point line. Our girls didn't seem to be able to make a shot as they missed quite a few. They also seemed to have a little problem in getting a good shot. I wasn't able to see a lot of the game, but from what I did see it looked like the girls were forcing shots up - drive into 3 girls and toss it up at the hoop, or taking many shots off of only one pass instead of working it around in the offence and making the defence work for the full shot clock. I think their practices this week will be important to get back into the swing of things for next weekend. They did add another girl to the line-up this weekend who has been hurt for a while, so maybe the girls aren't quite used to playing together but hopefully they can get it worked out by next weekend.

Link to game story:http://www.kilsythbasketball.com.au/index.php?id=21&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=341&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=5d54e291b6
Box Score:http://www.fibalivestats.com/matches/10/00/01/84/37jyoSuRKt98E/

For the boys, we split in our games this weekend.
Friday night we were in Canberra and got the win. It was a good game for us. I think it was probably one of the best games for us in terms of running and getting the ball up the court quickly. in doing that we were able to get quite a few fast breaks, and it was nice to get some easy baskets. I thought we played pretty well as a team and it was a good step for us.

Link to story:http://www.kilsythbasketball.com.au/index.php?id=21&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=340&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=714331d356
Box Score: Dont have it up

Then Saturday night wasn't quite as good. We played well for the first 2 quarters and were about even at halftime, but then in the third quarter we just kind of let it slip away. We let them get too many easy fast break lay-ups and they pulled ahead of us. I think they are the best team in the competition right now for the men (and the women's team probably is as well) however we know that if we play a full game, without lapses at certain times, we could beat them.

Box Score:http://www.fibalivestats.com/matches/10/00/01/81/28tVeLwFqaYA/

1 comment:

  1. Katy...is that a picture of you? is your hair down? yuck!
