Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week before Easter

This past week was a good week. It is school holdiays here so there were no clinics this week and Katy did not have any teaching. It has been nice to have a little break from the little tackers. School holiday are this week and next week. This coming Sunday Katy's brother and sister-in-law, Joey and Carrie are coming. We are very excited. After our game this weekend we are going to pick them up on the way back from Albury on Sunday morning. Albury is about 4 hours away from our place, but about 3 hours away from the airport, so we are going to stay over night up in Albury and leave in the morning to pick them up. They get in at 9:30 so we think if we get there about 10:20 or 10:30 that should be enough time for them to get through customs. It will be nice that they will be here on school Holidays because we will have some time to spend with them. We are not exactly sure what we will be doing but whatever we do I am sure we are going to have a great time.

The past week I started lifting over at the Stadium with the weights that the club bought. I am working out with some of the younger guys that are looking to head over to the states for college. Its pretty interesting to lift over at the club as they dont quite have everything that is needed. I am going to try and see if they can get some more weights as we need some more to be able to do what we need to do.

This week we have had sopme good practices and really got after it so hopefully that will roll over for the weekend and we will get a win.

This week is Easter week. For Easter here, every one gets off on Friday and Monday for a public holiday. On Friday nothing was open, everything shuts down. Since Katy and I left fo the game up in Albury on Saturday we wanted to go on Friday to get food for Easter dinner, but no stores were open. On Easter Friday everything basically closes down. Some of the gas stations close and all of the stores do. So on Friday Katy's coach invited us over for a barbeque. We were there with a couple other people and their kids and had good food. Since no one works on Friday we went over in the afternoon and hung out for most of the day. It was a nice Good Friday.

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