Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter (and Joey &Carrie coming)

Happy Easter!
On Sunday Katy and I left early from Albury early in the morning to get to the airport to pick up Joey and Carrie. We were very excited as we were really looking forward to seeing them. Well, we got a little ways outside of Albury and the fuel light went on. Okay, we needed to get gas. No big deal. The first town we stopped at the gas station was closed as it was Easter. The second town we stopped at....yup you guessed it - closed for Easter. The next town didn't have a gas station. Now we were starting to get pretty nervous. On Good Friday everything is shut down, all the grocery stores and all the shops, so we were really worried that it was going to be the same thing on Easter. I started thinking about what we would do. We didn't have the number for the airport to call Joey and Carrie and let them that we were out of gas and we wouldn't be able to make it for a long time. Even though we have roadside assistance I started thinking that maybe there be no one there to be able to help us, or if there was someone to help where would they be coming from and how long would it take to get to us. Again we had no way of getting a hold of Joey and Carrie. I set the odometer when the gas light came on. As far as I know the light usually comes on with 50 kilometers to go (until you run out of gas) at 70 kilometers and some sweat running down the forehead we pulled into a little bigger town and found a gas station that was open. The lady said they were open every day of the year, and we thanked her for that as we were really close running out of fuel. We definitely said thank you to the big guy upstairs as he was watching out for on Easter.
We ended up getting to the airport about 10 minutes before Joey and Carrie came through so it worked out perfectly.
It was so good to see them.
When we got back our place they had Easter Baskets to find, which we had already hid and they hid some Easter stuff which they had brought over. We had so much Easter candy here it was crazy. Also, when they came over they brought Easter egg coloring stuff and we were able to color eggs as they don't have that stuff here (the eggs here are brown, not white). They didn't turn out that good as some of the eggs broke, but it was really fun. Quincy also had a friend that came out and when she came in on Saturday she brought us some Easter candy as well. Needless to say we have enough Easter candy to last a while. Hungry?

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