Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Past weekend's games

This past weekend Katy and I both dropped another game. We both played teams from Tasmania. She played Launceston and my team played Hobart. The girls played pretty even with the other team for all of the game. In the last minute they had a couple chances to tie the game but were not able to get there in the end. Again I was only able to see her play the first half of the game, but in the first quarter she really did well. She had 6 points right away in the first quarter. She ended up getting taken off right after that but she played very hard, as she did throughout, but she really took the ball well to the basket.
For our game we didn't quite click on all cylinders, which I don't think we have done yet. We show it at times and I think if we can get rid of some of the bad stretches we will do pretty well. I think we are still getting used to playing with each other. So hopefully that comes soon. For the next two weeks one of the other big guys will be gone over to the U.S. for a wedding. So we will have a couple games where he is not there. Even though he is a big scorer I have confidence we should be able to do well without him here.
In our game we ended up losing by about 10. It is getting a little frustrating as it is now 3 in a row that we have lost. We have a lot of talent on our team, we just have to get us all on the same page-which we will, hopefully sooner rather than later. When that happens I think we will be able to do quite well.

Both game's story -[tt_news]=333&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=3c3e4faed1

Katy's Box Score -

Joey's Box Score -

Next week, Katy does not have a game but the guys team has two different games. One game this weekend against Albury which is about 4 hours away (which we will drive to) and then next Wednesday at home.
Check back soon to see if we do better this coming week.

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