Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Weekend's game in Albury

This past weekend we had a pretty good game. We ended up winning by about 45. We played together as a team really well. It did help that the other team didn't have the greatest game, but it was fun to have a game like that and to get a win like that. Every body had a chance to play and got some minutes. Also it was the first game back for Chris Payne. This is the first time he has totally been back in uniform from his accident. Last year he had an accident when he was up on the roof of a house. He had a metal pole in his hand and when he lifted it up over his head it hit the power wire above him. He had huge burns on his hands and the electricity went out through his foot and left a 'hole' in his foot. He is very lucky to be alive, let alone playing again. So it was his first game back and it was great to see him running around. He had a couple shots and hit one of them. Even though he didn't hit a lot of shots he is a great shooter and it will be nice to have him back, especially when he gets his fitness back.
This Wednesday (tomorrow) we have another game and hopefully we will be able to get another good win. After the game tomorrow night we have a week and a half break. It will be nice to get a little time off too, especially now that Carrie and Joey are here (Katy's brother and sister-in-law). Even though we had a 4-hour drive to the game it was totally worth it.

Write up for the game: http://www.kilsythbasketball.com.au/index.php?id=21&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=335&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=200435610a

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