Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wednesday Night Game

Wednesday night we had another game before a week and half break. Usually we have off for Easter weekend and the guys on the team said it was strange that we played that weekend so I am guessing that having off the weekend after was to make up for playing the day before Easter.
Wednesday night, we played Nunawading. Currently they are struggling, at 0-5, but we knew that they would come out and play hard. The game was relatively close until the third quarter where we were able to pull out in front and we never looked back. We ended up winning by 19, making it our second victory in a row. It was also nice to get a win before the week and half break so we wouldn't be sitting with a bad taste in our mouth that whole time.
For me, the game didn't really start until the second half. I decided that fouling would be fun and picked up three fouls in the first quarter. So with about 7 minutes to go in the first quarter I took a comfy place on the bench that I made my home until the second half. Then of course in the second half I played without getting a foul, ended up with only three. Isn't it funny how that seems to work out. But it was good, we got the win and started a little win streak.
Now, this coming weekend we fly to Canberra (the capital of Australia-about 1 hour away) for a game on Friday night and then Saturday we fly up to Brisbane, Queensland (a hour flight north of Canberra) for a game on Saturday night. Katy also plays on Saturday night in Brisbane right before our game. The weekend will also be fun as the club has switched the plane tickets for Katy and I (and the other girl from America) to come back on Tuesday morning instead of flying back with the team on Sunday morning. This way we will get a chance to see a little of Brisbane and the Gold Coast. It is nice that we will get to do this as I don't think we would get a chance to get up there otherwise. And, since the tickets were already paid for, switching them isn't that big of a deal. I am not quite sure yet what we will do, but you will have to check back next week Tuesday or Wednesday to see how it went.

Game Story-[tt_news]=339&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=f30a87a48d

Box Score-

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