Monday, March 2, 2009

Crown Casino

This past week was a pretty good week. Last weekend, Katy and I went with another couple down into the city - they drove so we could avoid having something go wrong with parking or getting towed or something. When we went into the city we went to Crown Casino. This was the first time that I had ever played something other than slots at a Casino. Since Katy had gone to Las Vegas two weeks before we came out to Australia and did pretty well it was fun to head to the casino. We ended up winning $5 in Blackjack, which was pretty good considering we played for something like 3 hours. As we left the Blackjack table we decided we would try our luck at the Roulette table. So we put $2.50 on number 33 or $2.50 on number 34, our college basketball numbers. When the ball fell we thought we had it, but a second look showed it was number 35. Maybe next time.
The rest of the week went pretty well. We had another week of clinics after school and met with our supervisor for the basketball Australia Active After Schools Program. He came to our unit and talked to us about what we could do different or some things we could add to make our clinics better.
Then Wednesday night we had the singlet presentation night. Glen Archer, a famous Australian Rules Football Player, was the guest speaker. It was pretty funny to hear him tell some stories even though we didnt know some of the people he was talking about. Then the rest of the night was about the players from the girls team and the mens team. For the singlet presentation they bring each player up on the stage one by one and hand them their jersey and ask them a question. It was a pretty nice night as they also did a silent auction to raise money for the team. Some of the things, basketball, horse racing, or footy (Aussie rules) were pretty nice. We started at 7:30 and didnt get out until almost 11:00. It went a little long but it was a fun night.
Up until Friday afternoon Katy and I did not have our visa as it was still pending. Then at 4:30 it finally came through, a half hour before the end of the work day. This was exciting as with the visa I could then play on Sunday for our practice match.
The match on Sunday was against Waverly. We didnt play all that well, but it was the first time that we were all able to play together so I guess there is a little transition period but with the season starting next weekend we have a short time to get it all worked out...which we will. This coming week on Thursday we have another practice match so hopefully we will be all cylinders running.
Hope everyone is enjoying the fresh snow back home.

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