Tuesday, March 24, 2009

He made it

Well I just heard from Andrew today that he is liking it out in Perth. He is staying with the guy who helped organize his trip down her. He said it is surreal actually being down here and he is really enjoying. He said the guy's house is on the beach and since it has be about 80 degrees with a light breeze he has enjoyed spending time by the ocean. As far as his season goes and when it starts, he will start right away when he gets to Mt Barker (the team he will be playing for) on Monday. He and his friend he came out here with decided they would spend a week in Perth before actually heading out to their teams. Then when they get to their teams they will have a week of practice and play their first game on Sunday.
Saturday here was nice to get to spend with him and it was nice to have him make it to the game, even though we didn't win. But it was a very early morning on Sunday as we were up at 3:45 to have them to the airport at 4:45. He did find his bag which the airport had lost when he came in and made it on his flight at 6:00. When I dropped him off I was a little worried that he might not be able to get his bag and make his flight as both of these things were in different buildings. But he made it, so that was good because I am not sure if the airline would have stuck him on another flight or not.
Even though he wasn't here for a really long time it was great to see him and we wish him best of luck over on the West Coast.

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