Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2nd weekend's games

This past weekend, for our games, was the opposite of last weekend. Instead of the guys winning, the girls won this weekend.
This weekend the girls game was on Sunday and since our game was on Saturday night I was able to see all of Katy's game. It was nice to get to see her entire game. She played really hard and even though the stats may not show it, she seemed to have her hand on almost every ball. She plays really hard and is fun to watch. The box score has her listed as 9 rebounds but I really think she had more than that. The game was good - the girls were pretty much even with the opposition, Ballarat, for a lot of the game and then in the forth quarter they pulled away. The other girl from America on Katy's team ended up with 26 points and got SEABL player of the week. This weekend one of the girls that Katy played against was 6'3" and was named to the Opals (national women's team here in Australia that would play in the world championships or the Olympics) 30-player squad. (So basically what that means is she is in the 30 players that will ultimately be picked for the final Opal squad - so one of the 30 best in Australia). Well, Katy matched up on her a couple times this weekend. Even though the girl was much taller than her, Katy did a very good job of stopping her. I am not even sure if she scored at all on Katy. It was fun to watch Katy play tough Defense and to shut the girl down.

For the story on the game check out: http://www.kilsythbasketball.com.au/index.php?id=21&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=320&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=72527a2409

Box score:http://www.sportingpulse.com/round_info.cgi?a=MATCH&fixture=123616493&c=1-3363-0-81435-0&pool=-1

For the guys, we had a tough game this weekend. We played well for 3 quarters but in the third quarter we basically lost it. We just didn't play that well as a team and it ended up costing us. Our coach said that there were some positives we could take out of the weekend but we were pretty disappointed. For me personally I felt like I didn't play very well and next weekend am going to make sure I go harder than I did this past weekend. The team we played is probably at the top of the league so if we look at it from that point of view we are not that far off. Fix a couple things and we should be right there.

For the story on the game check out:http://www.kilsythbasketball.com.au/index.php?id=21&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=319&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=ccde4c497b

Box Score:http://www.sportingpulse.com/round_info.cgi?a=MATCH&fixture=123616508&c=1-3363-0-81436-0&pool=1

Next weekend we play Knox. This is a huge rival for Kilsyth and we want to make sure we do not let them win. There should be a lot of people at this game and it should be a good atmosphere. Check back next week to see how we did.

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