Saturday, March 14, 2009

This past week was a vaery busy week for the both of us. After taking her resume around 1 week and half a go to the schools in the area, she got called to relief (substitute) teach this week. Since Monday here was a public holiday and all the schools were off she did not have to work. However Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday she did work. So she worked until 3:30 or so in the afternoon and then it was off to our Active After School Basketball Program until 5:00 then back home for dinner and off to practice at 8:00. The school she was at for 3 out of the 4 days she taught last week has asked her back for all 5 days this coming week. So it will be a very busy week for her again.

For me this past week was a pretty busy week as well. In addition to the Active After School Program and practice I started dong basketball clinincs a couple days a week. This coming week I will again be busy as I have clinics every day except Tuesday, the day Andrew (my younger brother) flies into Melbourne. If you didnt know my younger Brother Andrew is coming out to Australia to play Australian Rules Football over on the West Coast of Australia. He is coming here on Tuesday with another guy from the U.S. I will get to spend the day with him on Tuesday and then from Wednesday to Friday he and the guy he is coming with are going to tour the Great Ocean Road, which is a couple hours away from our place. Then Saturday he will come to my game at night and Sunday at 6:00am his flight leaves to head out to the West Coast. So even though he will not be here for that long it will be great to see him. He will start pretty much as soon as he gets over there and his season goes until August.

This week we had a lot of rain. And not just light rain either. I think it rained the hardest we have seen it rain here. But it has been really dry so the rain is really welcomed. Some of the brown is starting tot turn to green and it is starting to look pretty nice here. It would be great if it could keep raining for the next couple of weeks. Yesterday when we were driving to the game up in Bendigo we were having trouble seeing the road as the windshield wipers couldn't go fast enough to keep up with how fast the rain was coming down.

On Friday night we go to try lawn bowls. It is sort of like boccie ball, however instead of playing around the yard you play on very fine cut grass or on turf. the place that we played at had turf. How you play: you roll a little white ball about the size of a cue ball about 23 meters away and then you roll the bigger lawn bowl balls and try to hit the hit white ball. Sounds easy but the thing is the lawn bowl balls have a bias, which means that they do not roll straight. When you roll them they curve. So you have to roll the ball way out to the side and then it curves back toward the white ball. It is hard because the balls seem to roll and roll and roll as the turf is very short. The place that we went to costs $180 to join for a year if you wanted to be a member. Since we were not members we took advantage of a Friday night open bowl. It was supposed to be $8 a person but at the end of the night they didn't charge us anything. I think they just enjoyed seeing us have a good time and liking the game. They also put on a sausage sizzle and charged us $1 for a sausage, which was a pretty good deal. It was a pretty cheap Friday night and we had a really good time. We went with the girl Katy taught with last year and a couple of the other teachers and their partners from the school. In all there were 8 of us and we had a good time.

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