Friday, March 6, 2009

Rain and Earthquake

This week was different than the other weeks that we have been here. This week instead of being hot and dry, it rained three days this week and was cool. Usually when it rains here it rains for a little while (maybe 15 minutes, half hour) and then it stops but this week it actually rained for much longer. It has been really dry here so the rain is very needed. With the rain came much cooler temperatures. Instead of being 80 or 90 this week it was and is more like 60 or 70. The weather forecast looks like it probably will not get up to being that hot, at least relatively soon, any more. Monday it is supposed to be around 75 or 80, but I think that is as hot as it is supposed to get this next week.
Thursday night my team had the last practice match before the season opener next weekend. We played a local team that we will actually play during the year, and did fairly well. We had some really good streaks and some that were not so good. But it was nice that we were able to have another practice match after we did not play that well last Sunday. This weekend is a long week, (a public holiday on Monday) so we will not have practice on Monday but will use the 2 other practices we have next week (Tuesday and Thursday night) to get ready for our first game against Bendigo next Saturday.
Katy was supposed to have a practice game on Thursday night after our game, but the team that she was supposed to play (the under 18 boys team from Kilsyth) didn't show up. Somebody ended up talking to them and they said that they forgot that it was this week. It was kind of disappointing for them as it would have been a good tune up for their game next weekend. They do however have another practice match scheduled for this weekend on Sunday. This will be the first time that Katy will be able to play with the team so she is excited to play and I am excited to watch her play. Then next weekend the women's team play right before the men's, so I will get to see Katy play at least for a little while and then she will be able to see our team play as well.
Friday night Katy, I and the other girl that has come out to play from the U.S. went over to eat dinner at Katy's coach's house. We had a good dinner and watched the Women's NBL (National Basketball League in Australia) semi final. One of the girls that will be playing on Katy's team this year is actually on the team that won and is going to the grand final (championship). So that girl's team will play on Friday and then she will play on Saturday for Katy's game. Also, another girl that played last year on Kilsyth was on the team that won as well, so it was kind of fun to watch the game knowing some of the girls that were playing. While we were sitting there watching the game, the house started to shake and then the couch we were sitting on did. It lasted for about 5 or 6 seconds, and we were not quite sure what it was. Since Katy's coach had just moved in to their house I started thinking, oh no they just moved into their house and they moved into a bad place where the walls shake in the wind. Katy thought it felt like a big freight train went by close to the house. But there are no train tracks near his house or freight trains that go by any where near here. The coach's wife texted around and many people, even a ways a way felt it, but we weren't sure what it was.
Come to find out a while later on in the News that it was a 4.7 magnitude earthquake. Katy and I thought it was pretty cool as it was the first earthquake we had ever been through. It is really strange though to have an earthquake here as they are supposedly on the middle of a plate, and not near a fault line.
Tonight we had dinner and a movie. The girl Katy taught with last year came over and brought a lasagna. So he had that and headed out to a movie: Zach and Miri make a porno. It was pretty funny at some points in the movie. Don't know if we'd watch it again but we had some good laughs.
Well that's all for now...hopefully next week's post will bring good news of 2 wins, one for the guys and one for the girls.

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