Friday, March 20, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Well, I have to say that this week was the busiest so far. Both Katy and I were very busy every day this week. Katy taught all 5 days at one of the Local Primary schools, Kilsyth Primary. Then after teaching she and I had our Active After school basketball clinics and after that it was either off to practice or to the gym for abs class or to workout. For me I had basketball clinics at different schools every day this week except Tuesday when I went and picked up my younger brother Andrew and his friend from the airport. With everything going on we go from when we get up the morning until either 8:30pm when I get home from practice or for Katy-9:45 when she gets home from practice it is go-go-go all the time. Hopefully this weekend we can grab a little extra shut-eye.
For my brother and his friend they both are out here to play footy over in Western Australia (WA). They said their flights went well except for the fact that the airlines misplaced one of Andrew's bags, which we found out today, Friday, that the airport now has and is holding for him when he goes back to the airport on Sunday (when he will fly over to WA to start his footy season). I thought this was kind of funny -> since it so early in the morning when they will be getting to the airport on Sunday (their flight leaves at 6:00am) the lady on the phone with my brother said that he will need to bang on the baggage door. If no one answers keep banging, if no one answers still keep banging. Because the window wont be open that early in the morning he has to bang on the door until someone hopefully hears him....As if the airline misplacing the bag isn't bad enough. But, I guess, what do you do?
I picked him and his friend up on Tuesday afternoon then Wednesday morning dropped them off at AVIS as they rented a car and headed down to the Great Ocean Road, which is a couple hour drive from here until they got back earlier this afternoon (Friday afternoon). They said they had a wonderful time and it was fun to look at their pictures as Katy and I took a similar trip last year. Then tonight Katy, Quincy, Andrew, his friend and I went out to eat a local restaurant - Smokin Joes. Everybody like their meal except for me. I ordered a salmon fettuccine thing in a cream sauce (it was called 'Joes Special' or something like that). Well, the first 5 bites were good but after that it wasn't so special. About halfway through my bowl I just couldn't down any more and asked for a doggie bag to take it home in. It might be the first time in a while that I have asked for a container to take my food home in, usually I am the one asking if others are going to finish their food and if I could have a little taste.
On another note, the Olympic weights (bumper plates) that were ordered for the stadium came in today so I will be able to start lifting with some of the younger guys who are heading off to the states for college in fall. This is the first time that Kilsyth has gotten some nice equipment and they kind of put me in charge of setting the whole thing up, so it had been fun to do that. Hopefully I will be able to teach the younger kids a thing or two.
Well, tomorrow is our second game it should be a tough one so I am going to get some sleep. Then Sunday it is off to Ballarat to watch Katy play.
Check back soon to see how we did.

p.s. - There was also another earthquake this week on Wednesday. It was another 4.6/4.7 magnitude and its epicenter was in the same spot. Neither Katy or I felt it, but out roommate Quincy did. (Not sure if it is true or not but someone said that the reason there are earthquake is: even though Australia is located in the middle of a plate, there is/are small crack/cracks in the plate and so when the plate moves that is why there are earthquakes.

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