Sunday, February 22, 2009

Third Week

This week was a pretty good week. Katy and I started doing our after school clinics. She has three and I have three. They go for about an hour and we usually have from 10-30 kids in the groups. This week we also went to out to a Primary School called Chum Creek Primary to do a basketball clinic on Friday morning. This school was in the fire-affected area and part of the school had been burned. One of the small buildings was lost and another had black streaks on the side where fire had hit it. IT was quite incredible to see though how the fire had come over the hill and basically split to go around the school and then joined again on the other side of the school and kept going. I think they were pretty lucky. The kids seemed to be doing pretty well. One girl had lost her dad, she seemed to be doing well, but we just couldn’t imagine what she was going through. I think she was 7 or 8.
After the clinic we drove up the road and saw some of the damage. Everything seemed to be burned. We did see a kangaroo that made it through but it looked like his feet, tail and paws were burned. Felt pretty bad as it didn’t look like he could walk very well.
We did talk to some though that said we will have to go back up in 2 or 3 months and see how everything regenerates. They said that some of the plants here do not regerminate until a fire so you will see different plants you may not have seen before. Everything will be pretty green and look totally different. So I think we might do that.
This weekend we were supposed to have another practice game but the team we were going to play has sort of the same problem that we do, in that their guys from America do not have their paperwork completed yet. Also, they have a couple injuries so they would only have had 5 players.
We are supposed to have a practice game next week, but we’ll see how it goes.
So this weekend Katy and I went to a lake nearby and sat out in the 80 degree weather and tonight we are headed into the city with another couple.

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