Sunday, February 22, 2009

Flight Over

Well we made it back to Australia. On the flight from Chicago to LA the pilot kept updating us about the Superbowl and how it was going. It sounded like it was a pretty interesting game, especially at the end. From what we were able to see, about 1.75 quarters we thought it was a pretty good game.
This time when we flew down we took United instead of Air New Zealand. It was pretty a pretty good flight, but there wasn’t a DVD player/TV screen for each person to choose what you wanted to watch. There was one big screen and you just had to watch what was on. Also this time when we flew down there was only one exit aisle seat, so we let Quincy (the other player from the states, who played at Winona, have the seat). Originally the airline had Katy and me sitting in the middle 2 seats of a four seat grouping. This had the potential to be miserable, so luckily we were able to change. The flight was pretty good, except the ladies pushing the food and beverage carts kept smashing into my leg and waking me up, but I guess that’s the way it goes.
When we got here the customs line was long but we made it pretty much straight through without a fuss and met our coach at the airport. It was nice to see a familiar face waiting for us, as my coach was there to meet us and pick us up. We walked outside and the 85 degree heat felt pretty nice.

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