Sunday, February 22, 2009

Second Week

The second week was a little sad as we kept hearing all the stories from the fire and people losing family members and property. Even though our place wasn’t that close to where the fires we could smell smoke a lot the week and had a smoky haze around where we live most of the time.
On a better side of things, Katy started playing with the Wednesday morning team she played with last year and is happy to be back playing wit the ladies. I think they are happy she is back playing with them as well.
The weekend brought 3 practice games for our team, however Quincy and I were not able to play as our visas have not come through yet and we have not yet been cleared by basketball Australia to play. So we sat out. It was sort of tough to watch the games from side-lines not being able to play, but at least it only the pre-season. Our team won 2 and lost 1.

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