Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A hummer?

Yesterday we had off and I went to a few different stores looking for things for the family. One of the things I was looking for was a bike. I am hoping to find a used one so it will be cheaper and probably still really nice. One of the bike shops didn't have any used bikes but they did have this.
This is a yellow hummer bike. That red and white checkered seat would have been a sweet addition but that is from a different bike. If you want to own a hummer or tell your friends you have a hummer without spending all that money for a big one with 4 wheels. You can pick this 2-wheeled, 1 seated version up for a little over $300. I do have to say though for $300 it needs to have some sort of key to start it or some special amenity for that price. What do you think.? (They also  had a Chevrolet bike)

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