Saturday, September 6, 2014


This weekend we are in Akita (northern Japan- took us 8 hours by bus to get here) to play 2 preseason games. One Saturday, and one on Sunday. Both games however are not in the same gym or even in the same city. After our game yesterday (which we won), we had to get on the bus and drive another 1.5 hours. The drive we took wasn't on a major highway but rather a country road through the hills. We went through and past many rice paddys and felt like we were driving in the forest quite a bit. I have to say the two things together, with the rice paddys tucked up against the trees was very cool to see. Akita will be a big rival for us but I their prefecture (their state) is quite beautiful.
And now for one more win today and this trip will be really beautiful.
The field (what looks yellow) is all rice paddy. If there was a flat open space it was pretty much covered in rice.

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