Thursday, September 11, 2014

Stretch pole

As an athlete is it important to take care of my body, as I need it to be able to work. Massage is a good way to help muscles loosen up or recover, so if there a tight muscle it doesn't cause bigger problems down the road. One way to do this is using a foam roll or "stretch pole." There are many different kinds you can buy that come in different sizes. As you can see from the picture we have a few different ones on our team. Some are very soft and some are very hard. I prefer the latter as I feel it really helps my muscles the most. You can go online and buy one for $20 to $30 or you can do what I do and go to your local home store and pick one, a hard PVC pipe, up for about $5. I brought one over when I flew to Japan almost 2 weeks ago but last weekend when we played our preseason games in Akita it decided it wanted to stay. So, it was back to the home store and for $4 I was able to get another one in a lovely shade of grey.

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