Saturday, September 5, 2009

First two weeks in Giessen

Well the first two weeks here in Giessen have been pretty busy. We have been going twice a day pretty myuch every day to get ready for the start of the season which tips off in about 3 weeks time. In amongst all of our trainings we have also been pretty busy during the days as well. One day we had pictures as a team, about every other day or so we go lift as a team at WOF (world of fitness), we went and picked up our cars one day (the car I got is a puegot-when I picked it up from the dealership it had either 1.2 or 2 km on it, so about a mile. It is the newest car that I have ever driven. It is a little 2 door, manual, car. I have to say that it has been great on gas so far. There is a gauge that tells you how many kilometers you have until empty and it is nice to see that it doesnt go down that fast), opened bank accounts and have been shopping a few times.
It is a little hard to tell people if I need something in the grocery store as I dont know much German but people are pretty helpful and even if they dont speak english I can usually get my point least I have been able to a couple of times. When go through the checkout lines I just smile and try to watch how much the cost of my food is on the screen/scanner because I dont understand when the lady tells me the number in German. Good thing everywhere I have went to get food so far has had something that I can see the total cost. Otherwise I might just hand the person the biggest bill I have and wait for change. Food is pretty similar here, they do have a lot of wursts and sausages and that sort of thing though, as you might expect. And we have been to McDonalds and no they do not serve sauerkraut there if you were wondering.
We stopped at McDonalds after our first practice game last Saturday and the menu seems similar to what it would be in the states. I got a salad, yogurt parafait and 2 milks. It was pretty good.
Today we had a 40-45 minute run this morning and then I lifted afterwards so I am just hanging out for the next couple of hours. Then at 4:00 our assistant coach, who also head coaches another team, has a game with that team so I am going to go watch. Well....I should say I am going to drive around and try to find the gym. If I find it I will go watch but if not...well, at least I will have seen a little more of Giessen.
During the week we get a free buffet at one of our sponsors restaurants. (picture to left) It is pretty good food and of course the all you can eat is right up my alley. We just have to buy a drink and we can eat all we want. Pretty good deal if you ask me. Currently I am still in the hotel as my apartment is getting new carpeting and the team is furnishing it. I was told I shuold be moving in on Monday. So between staying at the hotel and eating breakfast for free in the morning (as the provide it) and going to eat lunch druing the week for pretty cheap (cost of a drink 3 euros) I am doing pretty in not having to spend a fortune at the grocery store. Well see what happens when I move into the apartment and dont have breakfast anymore.
Katy is still 2 weeks away from making the trip over the water, but I am very much looking forward to it. I dont know how the military people and their families do it. I am have been away for 2 weeks only and am already really looking forward to 2 more weeks when she can come.
Well thats all for now. Check back again next week to see how we did in our first practice match at our home gym (game is on Wednesday).
Tschuss (pronounced chus which means bye)

(View from my hotel room)

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