Saturday, September 26, 2009

Katy is here!!!

Guten tag,
After 4 weeks of being apart, Katy finally flew out here last Monday. It is great to have her here!!! She had a great time at home spending time with family and friends and said Sherri's wedding was a lot of fun. It is great that she was able to spend time at home but we are both glad that she is here now.
This week we got our apartment settled, got stuff set up where we want it to go and I think we pretty much have everything where we want it. This week I took Katy around and showed her some of Giessen. On Friday morning we didnt have practice but I went in and shot around so I took her in to see the gym where we have morning practice. We went to a couple different groceries stores this week so we could try and see which one we would like best, and even found one pretty close to our place (within walking distance) which I didnt know was there. On Friday I also took her to where we eat lunch at-at Gasthaus Braueri-and had lunch. It was good food and I was glad Katy was able to see what it was like where we eat as a team everyday. This week we also had to go to city hall to get registered with the city of Giessen and checked out the tourism center to see if we could find some things around her to do. We got some information but the tourism place didnt have as much as we thought it might. We should be able to find some things to do though from what we got. We also got some information on Hessen, the state we live in, so it will be fun to look at that as well.
Katy is having a tough time adjusting to the time difference. Some of the guys on my team also found it hard. Katy said she thought it wouldnt be too hard, especially coming from Australia where you are on a plane for a long time, but so far I think this has been harder. She cant get to sleep right away at night or wakes up in the middle of the night very hungry, or is dead tired in the middle of the day. I am sure with time though it will get better.
For basketball, this past weekend we had two games...we didnt play so well. The Saturday game was so-so, we played okay defence but had a tough time scoring. Then on Sunday we played a team that we probably should have beat. We just came out flat and could not get it going. It was not a good weekend. Hopefully the things we did and worked on at practice this week will help us refocus and do better from here on out. We have a game today in a couple hours and hopefully we play a little better.
Then it is a day off tomorrow that Katy and I will hopefully be able to take advantage of it by getting out and seeing some of the country-side.
Well thats all for now...hope all is well.
Tschüs - bye

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