Saturday, September 12, 2009

3rd Week in Giessen-part2

This week for basketball was another busy week. On Wednesday night we had our first home game. Even though it was a practice match there was still quite a few fans at the game. We ended up winning in overtime. The game probably should not have been as close as it was but at least our fans got to see a win. The Friday night we scrimmaged the other team from Giessen. Here in Giessen there is a team in the first division, my team, and then a team in the third division as well. The head coach of the team in the third division is the assistant coach on my team. So we set up a game between the two of us and played last night. Today we had a 40 minute run and then I stuck around afterwards and lifted weights. Tomorrow we have a day off from basketball, but have an appearance in the middle of town. On Sunday in Giessen everything is closed. Tomorrow however they are having all the sporting teams meet in the center of town, say hi to the fans an sign some autographs. A lot of the shops I guess will be open as well, so I think it is a pretty big thing. Should be fun.

There is only little over a week until Katy comes out and I am looking forward to her coming. We get married so we could spend time together, not apart, so I am looking forward to her arrival an I know she is to.

Well we are a week closer to the season starting and I am looking forward to it.

Check back next week to see how this week will go and how we will do in our upcoming practice match.

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