Sunday, August 23, 2009


Last Sunday Katy and I accepted a job with the Giessen 46ers in Giessen Germany, in the top league in Germany. This will be a huge opportunity for us. I am actually writing this post lying on my bed in Germany.
Last week after we lost our game at Knox Katy and I found out that we got this job for sure and that I might be able to get some time at home. Originally I thought I would have to leave stragith from Melbourne and fly to Frankfurt, but we found out Monday that I would be able to go home for a couple days. So, after finding that out on Monday we made the decision to fly home on Tuesday morning. It was a whirlwind night with trying to give the stuff back we borrowed from people, to packing and then finally cleaning. Even though I was only able to head back to Wisconsin for a couple days it was great.
I flew out yesterday on Air India and got in this morning. Katy is staying around back in Wisconsin until the 20th of September as she is in a wedding on the 19th, then she will fly out and meet me.
The flight was good-I had my own personal tv and it worked, unlike the United flight Katy and I flew on when we came back from Australia where the TV/movie system was broken and we had nothing to watch for the 13 hour flight back, except a world map that showed where we were along our journey.
My flight was good and somehow got in 1 hour early. I have heard of flights getting delayed, but you dont usually hear about early flights. It was nice. My coach picked me up and we had a 30 minute ride on the Autobahn from Frankfurt to Giessen. Because the apartment isnt ready yet I am staying in a hotel for the first week.
Today I met two of the guys from the team as we headed over to the gym where we will lift at this year and got a short lift in. The guys seemed pretty nice and speak pretty good english (from Serbia) although some of the things I said were tough to understand.
Then tonight I went to grab a bite to eat at the restaurant downstairs. The menu was all in german and the server didnt speak english, so I just pointed to something on the menu and smiled. To drink, I ordered water. (Because I didnt say still water I got mineral water-not the biggest fan, but I'll know next time). When my food came I was happy to see that I had picked well. I had three different pieces of meat with rice, green beans, and coliflower in a brown sauce. The meal was good. I could have eaten two more just like it but it was good. I wanted to get to the grocery store but everything is closed on Sunday here. There are no shops, no little cafes open, nothing open. The reason the restaurant was open is because it is attatched to the hotel, good thing otherwise I would have been starving. Then at the end of the meal I got this little bottle of yellow liquid. I tried a sip of it thinking it might be a fruit drink, or an after dinner sweet drink to help with your breath...wrong. It tasted like very strong booze. I put a little in my mouth and had to spit it out-nasty. I dont know what it was but I dont think I will try it again.
Now I am heading to bed as we have practice nice and early tomorrow morning.

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