Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tooth Pull

This week I had to get one of my teeth pulled. It is one of the back teeth on the bottom. I have to say the tooth was very awkward to have it pulled. It felt like the lady screwed something into my tooth and then twisted my tooth around, back and forth until it came out. It actually broke one time and half of the tooth came out then she had to the whole process over again until it came out. Then she had to scrape the infection out that was underneath. It was a good thin I had it done. The local anesthetic was great. I really couldn't feel anything there for the 1st 2 hours. After it wore off though I was in some pain. I had a prescription for codeine, but it didn't seem to work. I tried some Ibuprofen but that didn't seem to work all that well either. Luckily my roommate had something that helped. It sort of knocked me out and made me quite tired, but the rest was welcomed. Over the last couple of days it has been sore but nothing like that first day. With a couple ibuprofen its hard to tell that there is much pain at all. , although it does feel weird to have a hole in my mouth. Now, hopefully, in a couple months I can get something to put there-some sort of tooth prosthetic or something. We'll see what happens.

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