Sunday, July 26, 2009


This past week Katy and I had our second wedding anniversary. Hard to believe it has been two years, but an exciting two years for sure!

Since our anniversary was on Tuesday we decided we would plan something on Wednesday as we both have practice on Tuesday nights. We decided we would go to Wicked - the musical about the Wicked Witch from Wizard of OZ. It tells the story of her life and gives you a different point of view than Dorothy's, which you see in Wizard of Oz. I think the musical is based on the book, Wicked.

Tickets for Wicked were $109 a piece which we thought would be well worth it. We went to get tickets on Monday when we were in the city getting my tooth out and the lady at the ticket counter told us that there is something called the Wicked ticket lottery. How it works is: you get to the show 2.5 hours early put your name into a draw and if you get chosen you get front row seats for $30 a piece. Since the closest seats were in the back anyway we thought we would give it a try.

So Wednesday came and we got there right at 5:30. We were one of about 4 couples there at that time and thought we wgad a great chance to get it. Well, they don't do the draw until 6:00, and as you can probably imagine, by 6:oo were about 2 of 70 or 80 people. Lots of luck right?

Well they started calling off the tickets and we moved right over by the ticket window so when they were done reading off the names we could be the first ones to buy tickets so we wouldn't be all the way in the very last row. And then, wouldn't you know, our name got called.

The tickets we ended up getting were dead center front row, it was awesome. We could see everything perfectly. Although I think the voices of the singers could have been a little stronger or microphones turned up a little more, it was an awesome performance. Katy and I both said we would probably see it again if we had the chance. Or, go see a different musical as well, if we had the chance for that. This was the first Broadway-type musical Katy had ever seen and how great that she got to do it in the front row!

Needless to say we had an awesome time! What a great second year anniversary!

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