Friday, July 3, 2009

Cairns Taipans Tryout

A week and a half ago I flew up to Cairns for 3 days for a tryout with the Cairns Taipans, in the NBL- The national league here in Australia. The tryouit was Sunday, Monday,Tuesday and then I flew home on Wednesday. I had a shooting session on Sunday, two on Monday, one on Tuesday and then I trained with the ABA team on Tuesday night. (ABA is the Australian Basketball League. I play in the SEABL conference but it is part of ABA. ABA is the second division in Australia). The coach for the ABA team is also the coach for the NBL team. I got to spend a little time with him and meet some of the other people from the Taipans team.
I thought the tryout went okay and am at the moment am waiting to hear if they want to go ahead and sign me or if they are going to go in a different direction. I think I will find out early next week. Hopefully I can play well this weekend because I think it will help them make their decision.

Cairns is in the Northern part of Australia. This is where Katy and I went for our end of the season trip last year. When I went up to Cairns it was a quite a bit hotter than it was down here in Melbourne. Here in Melbourne when we play we have to have jackets on to warm up and sometimes when we are done you can see the steam rolling off our heads-something I didn't think could happen inside a gym and only something that would happen when football players took off their helmets. It was a little bit of a shock as Cairns is a very warm place. Needless to say I sweated a lotta bit in the 80 degree temperatures. Hopefully it will be something we will have the chance to get used to in the future.

Check back next week to hear the news and whether or not we will be heading to Cairns once the season here at Kilsyth is finished.

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