Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26 games

This weekend both the men's and women's teams were victorious.
The women's team played at 12:30 on Sunday afternoon. They played against Frankston, a team that they played a couple weeks ago and beat. Like usual, I was only able to watch the first half of Katy's game as I had to get ready for my game after that.
I have to say that Katy played very hard. She ran hard like she usually does, but this weekend she was able to get her hand on many rebounds, even if she didn't get the rebound, she was either close to it or tapped it out to a teammate. She also a couple very good passes, one of which I think was even a look away, where she slid the ball from her position past her defenders leg to her cutting teammate who got an easy layup. She had a nice put-back/alley oop sort of thing where the shot missed and was coming down from the hoop, Katy jumped, caught it in mid-air and put it back up (all at the same time). It looked pretty cool! Next time she will have to dunk it. :)
At the beginning of the game it looked like it was going to be a close game, but the girls just kept building on their lead and played tough the whole game through. In the end they ended up winning by about 20. Katy finished with 6 points, 7 rebounds, 1 steal and 3 assists in only 16 minutes.

For the men, we played the AIS (Australian Institute of Sport). The kids we played against, I think are about 18 and 19 are supposed to be some of the best kids in Australia (the could shoot quite well).
We got out to an early lead in the first quarter and played tough. But, since they are very good shooters they got back into the game in the second quarter and at half time we only had a small lead. The second half was a grind where we built a lead and they came back, built a little lead and they came back. In the end though we were just too much. They relied on the 3-pointer a lot and when it was going in they stayed close but once they started missing they struggled and we ended up winning by about 10. Since the team we played against were younger they were sort of skinny. Both me and the other big guy on our team ended up fouling out. Our coaches said that we got screwed with some of the calls but at least we still got the win.
Next weekend is the last weekend in the regular season. The girls have one game and the men's team has two-one on Saturday and one on Sunday. If we can win both and have Knox, who is in the second spot in our conference lose, we will get that spot. This would be a big boost for us in finals as we would get the double chance - where if we lost the first we would still get another chance. So we will see what next weekend brings.

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