Saturday, July 18, 2009

Split Weekend

This weekend was a split weekend for the Cobras.

The girls had a tough night up in Albury.
Katy said it was a tough game. She said that they won every category of statistics - rebounds, number of shots attempts, steals, blocks, every category except shooting percentage. The other team won one category - shooting percentage. I guess they shot something like 55%. Pretty good and hard to beat. Hopefully the girls will be able to get back on track this coming weekend

For the men's team it was a different story, we had a good win. The first quarter was a tight one, I think they ended up a couple points on top in the first and then in the second we played great defence and with one of the guys hitting a three from almost half court at the buzzer we took a 15 point lead into halftime. The second quarter was good because the past couple of years the guys said that it is usually Geelong that makes the big run and so it was good the tables were turned. The second half was a battle. They ended up coming back within 4 in the final quarter, but with solid defence we were strong enough to hold them off.

It was a good win for us. The atmosphere was great as there were a lot of people there. When Geelong started to come back it got very loud in the stadium. It was a fun place to play. The guys on our team said that they haven't won there in quite a few years so it was nice to get one.

Our hunt for second spot still continues. The team we are chasing also won this weekend so we will just need to keep winning and hope they lose one.

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