Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Short Japanese language lesson

I thought I would give you a little Japanese language lesson so you can wow the people you are around today (although my ability to help your wow factor isn't helped by the fact that my Japanese speaking ability is quite poor). But here goes anyway.

Good morning - Ohio.
Toilet/bathroom - Toy-reh.
Just a minute - cho-toe mah-tay (where cho and toe rhyme).
Hello at night/good evening - Comb-bah-wah.
Hello the rest of the day - Koe-knee-chee-wah (koe rhymes with toe).
Pain/it hurts - ee-tie.

For these words and the English traslation I tried to writee them exactly as they sound. It would be impossible for me to write them in Japanese as the language uses characters instead of letters. And maybe your skills are better than mine but I don't have a clue on how you would begin to sound out a Japanese character. Give them a try and let me know if it works out.

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