Friday, April 12, 2013


Here in Japan the national currency is the Yen. Since we have been here the rate has fluctuated a little bit -when we first got here $1 was worth about 80 yen, today $1 will give you 99 yen.
If you are in the States or Europe there is a good chance that you dont know much about the Yen so I thought I would share the denominations and the exchange rate as of today.
For coins:
1 yen coin = about 1 penny USD and not quite 1 Euro cent (70% of one euro cent)
5 yen coin= about 5 pennies USD and about 4 Euro cents
10 yen coin = about 10 pennies USD and about 8 Euro cents
50 yen coin = about 50 cents USD and about 38 Euro cents
100 yen coin = about $1.01 USD and about 77 Euro cents
500 yen coin = about $5.02 USD and about Euro 3.84

For bills:
1,000 yen bill =  about $10.07USD about and about Euro 7.69
5,000 yen bill = about $52 USD and about Euro 38.46
10,000 yen bill = about $100.67 USD and about Euro 76.90
(the picture also shows a 2000 yen bill but I have never seen one - maybe it is like a $2 bill in the US)
So, comparing it to the US dollar, it is a little bit different where there are no $1 or $5 bills. Instead you have a $5 coin and then a $10, $50, and a $100 bill.
So if you have some bills in your wallet there is the potential that you are carrying around some real money.

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