Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Birthday

Last Sunday (9 days ago) was my birthday. (Check out the candle on my birthday cake).It was on Sunday and because my team had a game in St. Poelten and Katy had a game in Salzburg we were not able to go anywhere. We both got home pretty late from our games so we decided to do something on Monday instead. We had originally planned on going to one of the lakes in the alps, but when we left on Monday morning it was extremely foggy and thought if we weren't able to see the mountains around the lake maybe we should change our plan.
So, on our way we changed our mind and decided to go to the city of Salzburg. Salzburg is where Mozart was born and lived and also where the Sound of Music is centered. All of these places are possible to visit but we decided on something else. In the middle of the city there is a big hill and on the hill there is a castle which dates to the 11th century.
Here we took a tour of the castle and we were able to see the torture chamber, the rooms where the kings used to live, the old "toilet" they used to have, a real chastity belt and so other things from way back in the day. We also had a chance to go up to the lookout at the top of the castle where we had an awesome view of the whole city. Even though it was foggy we could see a lot of Salzburg and what the city really looked like.
Even though we had to change our original plan we had a great day in Salzburg.

Here is a link to a video on YouTube that shows the castle and its views.

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