Sunday, February 6, 2011

Living in Austria - Training Wheels?

The past couple of days it has gotten pretty nice outside and tomorrow (Monday) it is supposed to get up in the mid-50's. With the warm weather people are starting to go out for walks and I have seen quite a few kids out with their parents. Many little kids on bikes learning to ride. Here though they teach kids to ride bikes a little bit different. Instead of taking a normal bike and putting training wheels on it they take a normal bike and remove the pedals and chain. This way the little kid has to push himself along with his feet and learns to balance himself this way. Then once he can balance himself while pushing along the parents get a bike with a chain and pedals so the kid can ride a real bike.
Its different than how we do it back home but it seems like a pretty good idea. Although I do have to say I did see a kid having a little temper tantrum the other day when he was out for a walk with his mom and dad. They were all walking together on the sidewalk next to our apartment building and I think the kid was tired. He put both of his feet on the ground and starting whining and wouldn't move. His parents tried to coax him along but he wasn't having it. I didn't watch long enough to see what happened, but maybe if parents took the pedals off the bike they could carry a rope around. So, when the kid got tried they could hook up the rope to the handle bars and pull the little guy along. Maybe that would be too much work for the parent but at least the kid would still have to do something by keeping his balance.

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