Thursday, September 29, 2011

Changes - aside from the baby

The past week and a half has been very busy and full of changes. We completely cleaned the apartment and got it ready for whenever the baby decides to make its apperance. This past week was also filled with changes in basketball. Wednesday night we had our last pre-season and now we change
from the pre-season to the regular season (a much looked forward to change). But, last week we had the biggest basketball change so far. Management decided to make a coaching change and brought in a new coach on Monday. The last week and a half has been busy and intense trying to learn the new coaches philosophies, plays and how he wants us to play. Although there is always work to be done I think we have most of it down and are excited for our first game tomorrow. Check back next week to see how our first game went.
(Our new coach -
Pete Miller)

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