Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Two Good wins this weekend

This weekend we played on Thursday and Sunday. Thursday we played at Wortersee and Sunday we played at home against Graz. Both days we got wins. These were both big wins for us. Graz is the team that is in second in the lower 6 (In our league the 1st half of the season is played to determine the top 6 and the bottom 6 - we made it into the bottom 6. The way it works is, the top 6 makes it into the playoffs and then the top 2 of the bottom 6 also make it into the playoffs. When we started the 2nd half of the season, we were in 2nd place in the bottom 6 and Graz was in 1st place. So far we have won every game in the bottom six and Graz has lost a couple. Because of this we have moved into 1st place in the bottom six and have a couple more wins then them. We play Graz again next Monday and if we win we put another win inbetween us and should take 7th place or 1st place in the bottom six). So these two wins this past weekend were important and a win next Monday against Graz would be huge.
Even though we got two wins this weekend, we did suffer a big set-back. Our point guard broke his foot in the 2nd half of the game. He broke one of the small bones in his foot and it will be a season ending injury, so it will be interesting to see what happens and what if the club will bring in someone new or if we will play with the team we have. Either way we know we will have to play hard to win on Monday.
Katy's team also played this weekend on Sunday but lost. Next weekend they can make-up for up though as they have two games on Sunday in Graz. Because Graz is 3 hour drive, by bus, they have moved another weekend's game to next weekend so they can play two games next Sunday and only have to make the drive once. Makes sense if you ask me.
It will be a busy weekend for us, travel-wise, next weekend as we will have to drive to Graz and back for Katy's games on Sunday and then there and back for my team's game on Monday.
Even though it will be a lot of travel 3 wins would definitely make it all worth-while.

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