Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Living in Austria - Grocery stores

Where to start.....
There will be a couple posts about the grocery store, so I will start with looking for food.
When you are in a grocery store and stop to look at something you usually put your cart off to the side of the aisle and look for what you need. If someone else would like to look too you move a little to the side so they can see as well.
Is it the same here? Nope. The other day I was standing looking for something in one the aisles and was standing maybe a couple feet away from the shelves. To the side of me I could see someone coming and moved a little closer to the aisle so they could get around me easily. Wrong move. The person decided what they needed was in front of me and didn't waste any time squeezing in-between the shelving and me. I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't know if I should start laughing or if I should look around only to realize this is some kind of prank and others will be laughing at me. Really, if we were in a club and dancing our bodies wouldn't have been this close. It was a little strange for me. But, this isn't the only time that this has happened where some has gone right in front of me. I'll save them but I could give you lots of stories like this. So instead of putting both of my arms up and trying to push and reach for the item I needed I backed up and let the other person get what they were after. Darn courtesy, whats my problem :)
(Grocery store etiquette #1 - if you see something you need, or if you have to look for something on one of the shelves, pretend like you are the only person in the store and don't let anything get in you way or discourage you from getting that packet of cheese, or whatever you cant wait 15 seconds to get your hands on)

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