Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Great weekend

This weekend was a greta weekend basketball wise. Katy's team didn't have a game this weekend but my team played a great one. This weekend we went to Vienna and played against a team that was relatively close in standings. With a win we would be able to push them farther away, making it almost impossible to catch us. Well, up until about half time the game was close. Then, in the 3rd quarter things changed. We played well together, hit shots, and went up by 20 in a 5 (or so) minute stretch. In the 4th quarter we pulled out ahead by 30. And even though we only won 97 to 76 we were up by a lot more at times in the 4th. It was also nice to see that our youngest guy that barely ever gets any time got to go in and play some minutes at the end of the game. I think he was pretty excited about it and we were happy to see him playing as well.
Katy also had a good day Saturday. She left early with some friends and went and looked around Vienna for the day. Saint Stefan's dome, ate at the square, went to the market, and saw all of the old buildings. She said she had a really nice time and it was great that she was able to do it with some friends. Nice too that they know a little bit more about the area and can explain or show things that otherwise would probably go missed.
This weekend is going to be a busy weekend basketball-wise. My team has a game tomorrow (Thursday) and then again on Sunday. Katy's team plays a double-header on Saturday. (the trip they have to make is over 3 hours, so they are going to play both games in one day so they only have to make the trip once). Good idea - hopefully the girls can stay fresh for the 2nd game as well.
Check back next week to see how we did.

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