Monday, January 31, 2011

Super Bowl

Last Sunday my team had a game in Graz (a couple hours away by bus) Our game was at 5:00 and the Packer vs. Bears football game started at 9:00pm our time. Needless to say we weren't back yet. So, our trainer let me borrow her computer and I was able to watch the game on the bus ride back over the internet. (she had an internet stick which enabled her to connect to the internet through a cell phone company and their signal).
The bus ride took just long enough that we got home right at halftime. For the first half though I watched the game with some of my teammates - one of who happens to be a Bears fan. I know, too bad. When we were getting the computer going we missed the first 5 minutes of the game, but he was able to get updates through his phone. Every update he gave keep getting worse and worse for him as we scored right away and were able to march down the field with what seemed like ease. Then once we got the game up it was much of the same.
Even thought the second half was a bit of a nail-biter it was a great game and awesome to know we will be in the Super Bowl this coming weekend!

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