Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1/2 good 1/2 bad

This past weekend was half good and half bad. The only bad thing is that basketball was the bad half. This weekend we played against our rival Gmunden at home. We played pretty decent for 3 quarters - even though we missed a lot of free throws in the 1st half - it was a close game after 3 quarters. Then it sort of went downhill. They went on a little run and we couldn't make up the difference. We had a lot of people in our gym to see the game and it was a bummer that we lost but if we see them again this year we will have to make up for this game and get a win.
Katy's team also had a loss this weekend. Her team played one of the best teams in the league. She said a couple of the quarters went pretty well but they ended up getting beat 75 to 43. Katy had 17 points.
If you want to see some of the pictures from the game, put this link up into the browser:
The good pictures of Katy and her team are on page 3 and 4 of the website (you can change the page by going to the bottom of the website and clicking on one of the numbers at the bottom left).
The good news of the weekend was that the Packers won and now have a chance to make it to the SuperBowl with a win this weekend against the Bears. The game this past weekend started at 2:00am here. You can bet we stayed up to watch the whole thing even though it was late. We were happy we did!
This weekend the game is on at 9:00pm here. We have a game at 5:00pm a couple hours away. So I am hoping to make it back for the whole thing, otherwise I am hoping one of the guys will have an internet stick that will work on the bus.
Go Pack!

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