Thursday, April 29, 2010

Were in

This past weekend we had two games...We played Bamburg in Friday night and then on Sunday.

We knew that if we won one of teh game we would basically be in the league for next year. (As we havent done that well and were close to the bottom of the table - the last two teams drop down to the league below). Friday night we played Bamburg and they are lose to the top of the league and we knew it was going to be a tough game.

We ended up beating them though. We came out tough right away and built ourselves an early lead. They made it close at half time but then in the second half we pulled away again and ended up winning by a lot. It was an awesome win and felt great.

Sunday was a little different story, we ended up losing but after the game (our last home game) the 46ers had a little party outside the gym and a lot of the fans stayed around. They brought us up in front of the Mic and asked us questions and we passed out autographs and took pictures if people wanted them. It was fun.

The best part of the day was knowing that we had made it in for next year.

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