Friday, April 9, 2010

Go Karting

Two weeks ago on Sunday for a promotion/team event we went out to the go-kart place in town and had a race. Go-karting here i a little bit different than it is back home. Here the ccourse is a little bit longer, and you dotn have people on the course watching you. Here there are no tires on either side of the track/road, so if you take a corner too sharply or go too wide on a turn you would end up in the grass. Before we had our chance to go the professional were out on the track tuning their cars up for the season. The day that we were there was the first day that the track was open. The professionals basically fly on the straight aways. We asked the owner of the place how fast their karts can get up to and he said some of them go 150 kph on the straight aways. He said that they are geared more for acceleration so they can speed up fast in the curves, but they can gear them for top speed where they can go 200 kph. Fast!!!!
We had a lot of fun and I theres a chance we might be able to go again in the next weeks. It was fun as carts didnt go as fast as the professionals but our got up to about 60 kphs and we had a blast. There were some photographers there from the newspaper but I havent seen any pictures. If I can find some I will put them on here for you to see.

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