Monday, April 5, 2010

Sarah and Joey Part II

After we got back on Monday I wasnt able to go with them the rest of the week, but they had a great time.
On Tuesday they went to the Buchenwald concentration camp. They said it was very moving and poweful when they were there on the grounds. They spent the day there and got to see the ruins of the camp and learn about its history. From there they went to Point Alpha and got to see part of the old border of East and West Germany. They said someone was shot trying to cross the border there and got to see what a checkpoint was like.
The rest of the week they went shopping around Giessen and went to the awesome ice cream place that Giessen has here in town.
Since I had to leave for my Saturday game on Friday we werent able to go out to eat on Friday night and opted to go on Thrusday night instead. We went up to Burg-Gleiburg for dinner, the castle that is only 15 minutes away from Giessen and where we live. After we got done eating we walked around the old castle ruins and took a ccouple pictures. It was really cool to see the ruins and the city of Giessen in the night lights.

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