Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Katy's game

This past weekend Katy had another game. She played at 6:00 on Saturday evening. Her coach said if they were up by 25 at three quarter time she could leave and come to my game (as we started at 8:00). Needless to say they were up by 25. Katy said their team ended up winning 80 to 30 or something like that. In the 3 quarters that she played she was able to rack up 10 points and were not sure how many rebounds she had, but I am sure she grabbed quite a few. Before my game a reporter from one of the papers here came up to me and said that Katy was a very nice player, that she had a good game, and that he wanted me to play like she did in her game. I thought that was pretty cool.

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