Saturday, November 28, 2009

Katy's game - 21st Nov

Last weekend Katy played on Sunday afternoon. It was great that we didnt play on the same day so we could watch each other. Her game was a pretty good game. They ended up beating the other team by 15 or 20, but they probably could have won by 40 or 50. They missed quite a few layups, a couple of them wide open, but they played pretty good defense were they didnt let the other team get close to them. Katy had a really good game. The paper said she had 16 points, but I had counted 18, so anyway she scored well. I think she also had over 10 rebounds and 10 assists. So this was Katys first triple double ever. She is having a good time playing and really helps her team out. Maybe next week will be even better, if it can get any better. Check back to find out how she does this weekend.

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