Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tassie Trip

This weekend was our trip down to Tasmania. The boys team had two games this weekend and the girls team had one game.
Our team flew down on Friday morning and got into Hobart (southern Tasmania) early afternoon. Our game that night was a tough one. We started out alright but were not able to stop the other team when they went on a run. They got the score out to double digits and really never looked back. At the beginning of the 4th quarter we didn't play some of the guys, probably to rest for the next night as we were down by quite a bit, but it was a little strange. In the forth we did chip away at the score and came back a little bit, but as we play 12:00 minute quarters a lot could happen in that time.
Saturday night for our team was rough. We played a team that has not been doing that well this year, but didn't play them well. Right out of the gate they got up by double digits, seeming to hit three after three after three. In the second half we chipped away, especially the forth quarter when we came back to 4 down but in the end we just ran out of time. Again this weekend we were a tale of two teams. We came out sluggish in the second game but then when we were down we really picked it up and looked pretty well. If we could play like that the whole game we could really do some damage, but at the moment we cant seem to put it together.
This weekend it was interesting on Saturday night, we got to the game preparing for an 8:00 game, but found out that the website had the game wrongly listed and it started at 7:30. It was interesting but it neither helped or hurt us.
Katy's team had better luck this weekend. They played on Saturday night after their flight down on Saturday morning. This time they did not play before us as we played about an hour away from Launceston (northern Tasmania) at the same time - 7:30 (we did stay at the same hotel though). Katy had a pretty good game. I think she played about 18 minutes and had 9 points. She almost had a three but her foot was on the line, and took the ball hard to the basket a couple times getting a three point play off one of the them (made the shot as she got fouled and made the free throw). They ended up winning by 9. Their team has been on a role as of late and can hopefully keep it going next weekend.
This weekend after the game our teams went out to the night clubs/bars. All the guys were heading to one place. With my jeans and a nice dress shirt on I went with them. Well, here they have a rule that you cannot were tennis shoes in and they tell you that you have to leave. So since I did not have any other shoes I was out of luck. Seems funny that you can wear shoes like airwalks or vans but you cant wear tennis shoes. Oh well.
The plane flight out of Tasmania was very bumpy right after take-off. The turbulence was nuts. We were bouncing all over the place. I have to say I got that feeling in my stomach a couple times-the feeling you get when you are on a roller coaster. Katy said her flight in was pretty good, but our flight in was the same way. I felt that roller coaster stomach feeling then as well. Only usually it is only for a split second, but no kidding it lasted for a good couple of seconds. It may not seem like much but think about being on a plane, having a lot of turbulence, bouncing around in your seat, and then all of a sudden your stomach drops for not just a split second but for a couple seconds. We were pretty close to the ground at that time, but still it was a little nerve-racking.

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