Thursday, May 7, 2009

Short post-weekends games

This is going to be a very short post. Just wanted to let you all now that Katy's team got back on track last weekend with a win. They beat Sandringham in a good win for them. Hopefully they will be able to turn it into a win streak this weekend as they have 2 games.

Link to game story:[tt_news]=347&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=ec178a0608

Our team lost to Geelong. We played well at times but then not so well at times. There was one point where we were down by 17 but came back to lose by 4. At the end of the game we had a chance with some free-throws but missed a couple of them. Our coach says that if we win this weekend, both games (which are double headers with the girls teams) we will be in second place in our conference. So it is a big weekend for us.

Link to game story:[tt_news]=348&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=07e236c541

p.s. - My mom is coming tomorrow (Friday) and we are very excited to see her
p.s.s.-Happy Mothers Day!!

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