Monday, May 11, 2009

Mom's here - weekends games

This past Friday my mom flew in. She got in on Friday morning and will be here in Australia until next week. Even though she will be here in Australia for 12 days she was only able to spend the weekend with us. She is going to be very busy while she is here. She spent this past weekend with Katy and I, then on Monday she took off for her friend's house, who lives a couple hours from our place. Her friend, who lives on the ocean, met my mom when they were both on a trip to Europe when they were younger. They happened to meet in a hostel and became friend's. She has been over to the States to visit a couple of times and so it is nice for my mom to be able to come her and spend some time with her. Her friend drove up for our games on Sunday, stayed the night Sunday night, then the two of them drove down to her place on Monday morning. They will spend a couple days there and then fly over to see my brother, who is on the West Coast of Australia, this coming weekend. There they will be able to spend some time with him and get to see him play footy.
Even though mom was only here for a short time we really enjoyed having her. Friday when I picked her up from the airport when drove into the city and saw some of the sights. Since we had a couple hours to walk around until we had to pick Katy up from school we parked and had lunch at Federation Square, walked down Graffiti Alley, and went into the National Gallery of Victoria.
Friday night we let mom take a nap and almost couldn't get her up-the jet lag makes you so tired. But eventually we got her up and we all watched Marley and me - good movie if you haven't seen it.
Saturday we went to the shops in Croydon and walked around and went to our game at night.
Sunday-Mother's Day-We made mom a breakfast of Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, peppers, onions, cheese and kangaroo sausage with banana, M & M, pancakes. She liked it. We served it with a card and flowers which she enjoyed. After Brenda came we were off to our basketball games for the afternoon. Then at night Katy and I made our Chicken and pumpkin (squash) in a cream sauce and had a nice dinner. After ice cream at Dairy Bell it was off to bed.
The next day Brenda and mom took off at 10. It was a short couple of days but it was great to have her here!

Our games this weekend were both disappointing and positive. On Saturday night both teams lost. Katy's team got beat by 1 point on a last second shot. The Kilsyth girls were up by 2 with a couple seconds to go. One of the girls on the other team launched a prayer from 5 or 6 feet beyond the three point line with 1 second to go and hit it. Katy played pretty well. She said she wasn't feeling all the best but she still played hard. She played 18 minutes but her minutes came in two 9 minute stretches (sort of interesting). She played hard and seemed to have her hands on a lot of rebounds. Even though she didn't get some of them she was able to tip them to another teammate.
For our game Friday night we lost to the worst team in the league (they were 0-10). They had just gotten rid of their coach and brought in someone new. We just looked a little flat footed especially at the start of the game. At a couple times during the game we found ourselves down by double digits. At the end of the game we came back, but just didn't have enough. I think if we would have had a couple more minutes we would have gotten it but it was a just a little too late.

Sunday afternoon's games were a little better for both teams. Katy's team played well and ended up winning by 9 points. They beat a team that the lost to in the first game of the year by quite a few points. Even though they lost on Saturday night it was still a close game and over the last 3 or 4 games they seem to be playing better and if they can keep it up I think they could do pretty well the rest of the year.
Our game was also better. Coming into the game we knew we had to get a win to get back on track. Bendigo was on a 5 or 6 game winning streak so we knew it was going to be a tough game. Like the girls team we came out hard right away and found ourselves with a nice lead. I had a little bit of trouble with fouls for the second night in a row and had to sit a majority of the second quarter. Like the girls game, the other team made a couple good runs, but we were able to stop them and keep our lead around 10 points at all time. In the end we came out on top 110-95.

Link to girl's story:[tt_news]=355&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=6734d6d6ab

Link to guy's story:[tt_news]=356&tx_ttnews[backPid]=210&cHash=c9323b2966

Girls Box Score vs. Nunawading:
Girls Box Score vs. Bendigo:
Guys Box Score vs. Nunawading:
Guys Box Score vs. Bendigo:

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