The procedure itself wasn't too complicated. She checked into the hospital in the morning because in Austria you have to stay overnight so they can do some checks on the baby's heart rate and a blood test to make sure everything is normal afterward.

On Wednesday we talked to the doctor who would be doing the procedure and he checked Katy's belly to see if the baby would be mobile or had a good chance of moving. He checked the bottom of Katy's belly real quick with his hand and an ultra-sound and said we would have a good chance of it working. So Thursday morning we were back. He started off by doing an ultrasound to make sure the baby was still head up - it was. Then he began to push of Katy's belly, but after 10-15 seconds he stopped and said that she needed to have the uteran relaxant. Since she already had an IV line in (they needed to draw blood when we first got there and kept it in just in case something went wrong and they needed to do an emergency c-section - the doc said in the 12 years he has been doing this procedure only 2-3 people out of the hundreds he has done needed to have an emergency c-section - mainly because something was drastically different with the fetal heart rate after the procedure or if there was a placenta abruption) they just put uteran relaxant into her arm that way. She said it made her feel very jittery and worked after about 30 seconds. As soon as it started working the doctor started pushing again. You could tell he was pushing very hard and it was uncomfortable for Katy (she did have a midwife standing right next to her helping her breathe and I think that might have taken some of her concentration for a little while). After 30 seconds he stopped and did an ultrasound to see where the head was and it had moved down a little ways. Then he went back to work pushing hard on her belly again. After a little while he just held his hand in one place and because he was pushing hard you could see a perfect outline of baby - straight up and down. A quick check with an ultrasound showed the baby's head was down and right where we were hoping it would be. We were so happy, especially as the whole procedure took all of about 2 minutes. Katy was a little nervous before-hand but said she got herself worked up for no reason.

To try and help the baby stay in place they rolled up two towels and put one on the left side of the baby and one on the right side and put a big wrap around her whole midsection to keep them in place. She spent the night in the hospital and after 3 EKG's to check the baby's heartbeat and a blood test she was able leave....with the baby the right way. So, instead of planning a c-section for the baby a week from Monday we need to be ready for the baby anytime now. Since the due date is October 1st it could come this week or maybe not for another 3-3.5 weeks.
Glad to hear the procedure worked. My sister WAS due on the 15th, and had to go through the same thing (this is her 3rd child) - it too worked! Due date has come and gone, and still no baby. We are hoping she will get induced tomorrow. :) Thinking of you guys and baby Taquitto. Love, Abby