We decided not to find out if it is going to be a boy or a girl and up to this point really dont know, so we are getting prepared for either a boy or a girl (nuetral clothes, names for both boy and girl).

One of the things that we are trying to prepare for if we have a boy is cirumcision. It may seem like an easy thing a no-brainer. But, over here its a little different, not quite as easy as if we were going to have the baby in Wisconsin. Here circumcision is a very uncommon thing. Most of the time if someone has it done it is beacause there is some sort of problem, and they dont get it done until later on down the road, as opposed to in the first few days of life. We have asked about getting it done as we want to get it done right away, but from what we have found out we are not sure if it will happen or not. We have to meet with the urologist this week and see if there is a way we can get it done within the first few days of life (if the doctor has even done it that early in the past) or if we would need to wait until the baby is 1 or 2 year old, like people have told us is a common age if a circumcision is needed.
Another thing we have talked about is maybe trying to talk a Rabbi and see if he could do it for us. We have been told that Jewish people get it done on the 8th day, or early in life and so maybe that it would be an option for us.
I guess we will find out more when we meet with the urologist on Friday, but its crazy that there is such a big cultural difference where they think it is strange here that we really want to get a cicucumcision and for us that they dont get it done and that is so hard to be able to get one right away.
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