Our flight was supposed to take off on Sunday morning but we were able to get out money back and cancel our flight on Saturday afternoon. On Friday night I had called and tried to get our money back. I told the airline that the U.S. and Austria had issued travel alerts that advised their citizens from traveling to Egypt.

So we decided to try again on Saturday morning. On TV it seemed like the situation had gotten worse, so we thought maybe we would be in luck. Nope. Same story, no warning from the German government so it must be safe to go and we couldn't get out money back. Before our game on Saturday night I tried again and this time they said the German government had issued a travel warning to Cairo and since part of journey included Cairo we were able to get the whole price back. Its a good thing we had our flight going out on Sunday and not Saturday otherwise we either would have been out the whole cost of the tickets or would have gone and would be sitting in Egypt right now wondering how the heck to get out.
We are hoping things will get better for the people there and it will calm down in the next couple of weeks, where we could make our trip in a couple of months. I guess we will have to see what time brings.
In the meantime we wish the best for the people in Egypt - both the citizens who want change and the tourists trying to get out.
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