For Christmas, Katy got me the gift of a sleigh ride through the alps.
Our sleigh ride was in front of one of the biggest alps in the area - the Dachstein and we did the ride through a place just at the base of this mountain, Ramsau. We took a bus from Salzburg and got on our sleigh just before noon. The ride was amazing. It was about 1.5 hours and we had a little stop in the middle where we could get something to drink at a restaurant to warm up a little bit. Let me tell you the hot chocolate was nice.

We got very lucky for the day we chose to do our sleigh ride. The weather was cold enough where there was no fog in the air and you could blue sky every where you looked. There was quite a bit of snow and the ride at the base of the mountains was so cool. Dachstein is so big and every other direction you looked you could see more mountains - almost all of them with ski runs on them. For our sleigh ride we were one of 4 carriages that went and it was really pretty to see our horses and the other horses pull us through the woods, on top of fields and along the base of the mountain. These horses weren't just the average horses you ride, but rather huge work horses. They made it look so easy, like they were pulling nothing at all. Even though they were very large animals they were quite graceful when they ran and pulled us behind. We passed some people on our trip and we felt pretty special being in the sleigh.

I would love to put all the pictures on here of our ride so you could see how beautiful it actually was, with the white of the snow and the bright blue ski, but when I went to take out the camera and snap a few pictures, there was no memory card. I had taken it out the night before to load pictures onto the computer and then delete them off the card so we would have space to take as many pictures as we wanted to. I was really dissapointed, but we still had a really good time and will never forget it!

So the pictures on here arent ours, but hopefully you can get a feeling of what it was like.
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