Thursday, January 29, 2015

All kinds of fans

Yesterday when we were leaving practice we had some unexpected fans waiting for us. Usually there are fans waiting after the games to get a picture or ask for an autograph but this was the first time that it happened after practice.
There were three of them. They were all waiting on top of a 15 or so foot rock wall just outside of the parking lot to the gym where we practice. As we turned the corner coming out of the parking lot one of them jumped and hurled themself at us (probably more likely fell but hurled sounds way better). It was a long way down but there was a foot and a half of snow at the bottom and I think that helped soften the blow. We thought about going to get the trainer but it looked as though there were no injuries . I think these were new fans as I didn't recognize their faces but we are always excited to have new supporters of our team.

This was the first time I've ever had a fan hurl themself at me or a teammate. 
Lucky enough I had my phone close by and was able to take it out quickly enough to grab a picture.

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